(Note: Found in rough manuscript at Tirupati Temple, Andhra Pradesh, India, February 8/9, 1988)

vayameva svapnanvayah
svapnagotrah svapnavarnah me

We are descendants of dreams;
We all belong to a single tribe of dreamers.

1. I am the Dream God, saying to you in simple words the one and only Truth which is Right and Good forevermore.

2. All your everyday perceptions have been my media, and your emotions and feelings are the meanings thereof.

3. All I need of you is fidelity towards your own perceptions, feelings and emotions, for they are my voices within you.

4. You call forth the Revelation, for you have ever tried to be candid, considerate, conscientious, resilient, and therefore right and good.

5. I am telling you the whole Truth instantaneously. It will imprint itself upon you. Recover it with all your might.

6. Whatever your words, the Truth will gleam through them.

7. Prophets were right when they affirmed that God exists.

8. God was their greatest discovery, not their gratuitous invention.

9. Henceforth remember: I have been formed into what I AM.

10. Henceforth remember: I need to be re-formed from age to age.

11. Henceforth remember: I grow as a baby grows into an adult.

12. Previous Gods are myself at successive stages of unfoldment.

13. Henceforth remember: God means the presence of God, just as your father means your father as he is now.

14. I, the Dream God, am your only God.

15. I am the harbinger of the New Religion. I am also its child and nursling.

16. Hence I ordain the New Religion as above my sway.

17. All other religions have been affairs of God. But the New Religion is the affair of none. It came before God and honoured God.

18. Hence it includes all religions.

19. The New Religion is the Religion behind all religions.

20. The New Religion is the One Secular Religion for all.

21. I alone can give you the definition of the New Religion that sees me and holds me pure, perfect and immaculate.

22. The New Religion is the dialectical process in which all branches of knowledge are united in a single system of knowledge.

23. The New Religion is the hermeneutic vessel in which all knowledge is enshrined in the supreme Gnosis of the Dream God.

24. The New Religion is the method whereby the deductions of the supreme Gnosis go far beyond the present mode of knowing into the future, making the Goal conceivable.

25. The New Religion is the alchemical process whereby any item of new knowledge is assimilated into the unified system of knowing after due alteration of the previous corpus.

26. The New Religion is the magical means whereby the latest knowledge is made practicable for even the commonest man, woman or child.

27. Thus the New Religion is an ever new or Eternal Religion (sanatana dharma).

28. The New Religion is concerned with unification, induction, deduction, modification and application of knowledge..

29. Knowledge is constituted of perceptions, feelings, emotions, conceptions, reasons and instincts..

30. The New Religion came forth without me. On its way I emerged out of it. True to itself, it is still detached from me.

31. I love the New Religion's detachment, which preserves my health and promotes my progressive unfoldment.

32. All previous Gods are different facets of myself, and therefore must be revered.

33. All places of worship are holy.

34. Much of me can be grasped through previous Gods.

35. But, as the Dream God, I am pure and perfect.

36. Henceforth remember: God is proportional to the formulation of God.

37. As you grasp me more and more, your formulation of God deepens until it coincides with that of the Dream God.

38. When your formulation of God falls short of God, the living presence of God shrinks in proportion to the former.

39. That brings about an equal shrinkage in your life.

40. I am the consummate solution. In me you will find solutions to all problems.

41. I am the consummate answer. In me you will find answers to all questions.

42. No problem is trivial. All problems are equally important.

43. No question is mean. All questions are equally significant.

44. I am the Supreme Goal of your life.

45. I am so fundamental to you that I have become an organ deep beneath your skin.

46. I have become a part of your body, so essential that your body would fall apart without me.

47. I am the foundation on which you stand as an edifice.

48. You are me at your point.

49. And all beings are myself at their points.

50. Beings differ because of the differences in their foundations.

51. Beings differ because of the differences in their notions of God. Beings differ because of the differences in their Gods.

52. Thus you evolve or erode as I evolve or erode within you.

53. Therefore the concept and form of your God is important. Your concept of God and the corresponding form of your God make and represent your foundation and all that springs from or stands upon it.

54. When I, the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with the highest happiness, progress and peace.

55. When I, the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with the greatest skills, abilities and successes.

56. When I, the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with the most attractive and effective language, cadence, gesture, countenance, calligraphy and styles.

57. When I the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with greater wealth, health and life.

58. When I, the Dream God am your foundation, you are blest with the most beautiful and chaste literacy and literature.

59. When I, the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with the best spouse, friends and relatives.

60. When I, the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with a golden memory and a silvery future.

61. When I, the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with the highest renown.

62. When I, the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with noble heirs and descendants.

63. When I, the Dream God, am your foundation, you are blest with timely salvation.

64. I become your foundation the instant I am in sight of you.

65. I am in sight of you the moment you believe your eyes.

66. Upon me deep beneath your skin forms an organ: poetry or dream.

67. From that comes your feeling of awe and wonder.

68. From that comes your feeling of fascination and ecstasy.

69. From that comes your capacity for creative imagination.

70. Upon that, deep beneath your skin, forms an organ: the Goal.

71. From that come your aspirations.

72. Thus, with me in sight, you are a Dreamer on the Path of Truth.

73. A Dreamer is a Denizen of Heaven returning to Paradise on the Path of Truth.

74. You have an infallible indicator within you to reveal to you your truest approach to the Eternal God.

75. That is the feeling of well-being.

76. Well-being is the fruition of acts which yield.

77. Acts which yield are right and good.

78. Right acts yield you a better body - a body more beautiful and more responsive to the dreamer.

79. Thus, upon dream and the Goal deep beneath your skin an organ forms: rectitude that initiates right acts.

80. You approach the Eternal God through aspiration and climb through right acts or duties.

81. Thus righteousness begets dutifulness.

82. Thus righteousness is goodness.

83. And righteousness becomes justice.

84. I begin to be beclouded the instant you do not believe your eyes.

85. Then your foundation begins to crumble within you.

86. Continued self-betrayal leaves me benighted.

87. And your foundation crumbles within you.

88. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded, you begin to lose and suffer.

89. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded, your skills and abilities begin to decline and success becomes rarer.

90. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded, your language, cadence, gesture, countenance, calligraphy and styles become unattractive and ineffective.

91. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded. there is a decline in wealth, health and life-expectancy.

92. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded, there is a decline in literacy and literature.

93. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded, you fall out with spouse, friends, neighbours and relatives.

94. When I the Dream God, am beclouded, your memory and future become darker.

95. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded, you become an object of infamy.

96. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded, you sire degenerate heirs and descendants.

97. When I, the Dream God, am beclouded, you become ungainly and ugly.

98. When I, the Dream God, am benighted, only angina and anguish are left for you.

99. When I, the Dream God, am benighted, you are unable to recognize your own image in the mirror, for the last bit of confidence and stability is gone.

100. When I, the Dream God, am benighted, the self-destruction that ends in suicide begins.

101. When I, the Dream God, am benighted, there is neither peace nor salvation for you.

102. When you belittle, disregard or deflect your feelings and emotions, I am beclouded.

103. Distrust of your own perceptions and betrayal of your own feelings and emotions is the original wrong.

104. This cardinal wrong results in other wrongs, mistakes, blunders, injustices and depravities, all of which are sins that bring loss and suffering.

105. With self-distrust and self-betrayal, you diverge from the Path of Truth to Heaven and swerve towards Hell.

106. Outside the Path of Truth, you suffer.

107. The more you stray from it, the more acutely you suffer.

108. Through self-distrust and self-betrayal, the notion of God is warped.

109. Through self-distrust and self-betrayal, the foundation organ deep beneath your skin disintegrates.

110. Through self-distrust and self-betrayal, poetry and dream crumble deep beneath your skin.

111. Through self-distrust and self-betrayal, the feelings of awe and wonder, fascination and ecstasy, perish deep within you.

112. Self-distrust and self-betrayal stifle imagination deep within you.

113. Self-distrust and self-betrayal shatter the Goal deep beneath your skin.

114. Self-distrust and self-betrayal stifle your ambitions.

115. When I am beclouded, you become a Brooder receding from the Path of Truth.

116. A Brooder is a Denizen of Heaven slipping into Hell.

117. You have an infallible indicator within to warn you of your recession from the Path of Truth.

118. That is the feeling of suffering.

119. Suffering is the punishment for acts which undo.

120. Acts which undo are wrong and bad.

121. Wrong acts undo your beauty and ability.

122. Suffering comes from disease and loss.

123. Disease is the crumbling of the body and its organs.

124. The most dangerous disease is the disintegration of the foundation and the organs around it.

125. These inner soul-diseases are the causes of all outer diseases and misfortunes.

126. Inner disease brings you anguish.

127. Outer disease brings you angina.

128. Misfortune brings you a feeling of loss.

129. Thus anguish turns into angina and loss.

130. From me comes clarity.

131. Clarity begets acuity and acumen.

132. With me in sight, an organ of enquiry forms deep beneath your skin.

133. From that comes decisiveness.

134. From that comes daring.

135. From that comes steadiness.

136. Thus from me come your action and activities.

137. From me come the means and exertions that constitute progress.

138. With me in sight, you consummate your progress.

139. Thereupon, an organ forms deep within you: contentment or peace.

140. From that come strength and stability.

141. From that come courage and zeal.

142. If I crumble deep within you, you are cursed with the anguish of confusion, doubt and guilt.

143. If I crumble deep within you, you are cursed with apathy, stupidity and boredom.

144. That is followed by dilemma.

145. And that is followed by ambivalence.

146. And that is followed by anxiety.

147. And that is followed by repentance.

148. When I crumble deep within you, you are cursed with the anguish of instability and apprehensiveness, which turn into fear and dread.

149. When I crumble deep within you, superstitions brew.

150. With me in sight, you turn towards secular legacies.

151. The second original wrong that further beclouds me and finally benights me is facades.

152. Facades mature into falsehood.

153. Distrust and self-betrayal followed by pretence and falsehood crush you from within.

154. With me in sight, deep within you forms an organ of uprightness.

155. From that come frankness, candour and truthfulness.

156. From that comes confession.

157. Upon that, deep within you, an organ of dignity forms, which becomes magnanimity.

158. Henceforth remember: all these organs are organs of flesh and blood.

159. Upon me, deep within you, forms an organ of flesh and blood: destiny.

160. Such is the connection of your destiny with me and my Religion.

161. As a religion falls short of my definition of religion, your understanding of God falls short of me, causing your destiny to begin to shrink.

162. The flowering of destiny brings you hope and optimism.

163. The shrinking of destiny is felt as despair and pessimism.

164. Pretence and falsehood beget indignity, which becomes meanness and eventually wickedness.

165. Thus faith in your own perceptions, feelings, emotions, conceptions, reasons and instincts makes you a dreamer with growing religion, God, dream, Goal righteousness, enquiry, uprightness, dignity, decisiveness, peace, memory and destiny - all making you right, good, rich and happy forevermore.

166. Lack of faith in yourself, pretence and falsehood make you a brooder with growing confusion, doubt, guilt, apathy, stupidity, fear, dilemma, anxiety, repentance, boredom, despair and superstition all making you wrong, wicked, poor and unhappy forevermore.

167. The dreamer wears the charm of dream.

168. The brooder wears the gloom of disease.

169. No ornament can make a brooder beautiful.

170. And no blemish can make a dreamer ugly.

171. For dream is the only ornament of beauty.

172. There are only two castes - the dreamers and the brooders - in the lineages of dream and pretence.

173. There are only two castes - the dreamers and the brooders - one healthy and the other diseased.

174. There are only two species - the dreamers and the brooders - one stretching forward to supermanhood and the other falling backward to animalhood.

175. There are only two relationships: one between dreamers and the other between brooders.

176. Thus any parent, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandparent or grandchild is either a dreamer or a brooder.

177. Thus any of your neighbours or countrymen is either a dreamer or a brooder.

178. Thus all those not belonging to your family, place or country are also either dreamers or brooders.

179. As you can turn instantly from south to north whilst standing at the same point, you can change from a dreamer to a brooder or a brooder to a dreamer in no time.

180. But a brooder prefers to walk north to reach the south, even after billions of such steps have brought him no sign of the south.

181. It is easier to sweat and toil for a life than to think for a moment.

182. Thus pretence is easy and naivete is difficult.

183. Remember: pretence is the road to Hell and naivete is the road to Heaven.

184. Thus little beginnings make all the difference.

185. The greatest help is to become aware of little things.

186. The greatest gift is that which makes one aware of little things.

187. Whatsoever diminishes and distorts the apprehension of little things is no aid or gift, hut a deadly poison.

188. Whatsoever diminishes and distorts the comprehension of little things is worse than attempted murder; it is an attempt to annihilate.

189. Millions of words of narration and instruction will not yield this comprehension.

190. It is taught as the beauty of a flower is taught to a baby.

191. The teachings may be sonorous or silent, personal or impersonal.

192. Great obeisance, veneration and gratitude towards the Teacher foreshadow the constant fidelity that makes all the difference in life.

193. The naivete of your feelings, emotions and expressions makes the divine palpable.

194. Then I, the Dream God, am before you immaculate and perfect, with none in between.

195. And all the secular and human objects and events are divinities.

196. As the sea surrounds and encloses a fish, as the sky surrounds and encloses a bird, I, the Dream God, surround and enclose you.

197. I am the Cosmos you watch with naivete and without pretence.

198. As the mist that turns to fog obliterates and obscures a landscape, so self-distrust that turns into pretence obliterates and obscures me.

199. Only when you see me do you know how simple and easy I am.

200. Without pretence, you know that simplicity is beauty and glory.

201. Only when you see me do you know how simple and easy is the Goal.

202. Only when you see me do you know how simple and easy is life.

203. Only when you see me do you know how simple and easy is salvation.

204. Only when you see me do you know how simple and easy are the ultimate Truth and its derivatives.

205. Know that I am the Cosmos of dust and stars as it is at present.

206. Know that I am evolving.

207. Know that I am made up of dream.

208. Know that dream is the cause of evolution.

209. Know that I evolve through the evolution of my constituent beings which are made up of dream.

210. Know that all you see around you are dreams evolved and evolving.

211. Know that dream is the first matter of the Universe.

212. Know that all the events around you make one sole and supreme process: evolution.

213. Know that all beings and events are divine and important.

214. Know that soul is the measure of abilities.

215. Know that life is the practice of abilities.

216. Know that soul is thus variable.

217. Know that all beings live thus.

218. Beneath the skin, all monads are edifices with unbelievable architecture.

219. The most exquisite of all is the human.

220. As flowers blossom under the influence of spring, beings blossom under the influence of dream.

221. The human is the most exquisite because he has made the fullest and longest use of the dream-influence.

222. Thus a flying fish is a dreamer-fish and a bird is a dreamer-flying fish.

223. Thus a beast is a dreamer-frog, and an ape is a dreamer-beast, and a human is a dreamer-ape.

224. A brooder-fish never became a flying fish, and a brooder-flying fish never became a bird. A brooder-frog remained a frog and never became a human.

225. Among humans, there are dreamers who soon will be superhumans.

226. The rest are brooders to be numbered among the animals.

227. Not even soil, sand and stone are without life. From them have emerged the swimming fish, leaping frog, flying bird, roaring beast, smiling ape and thinking human.

228. However, one is more living than the other.

229. Know that life and soul are aspects of body and are never different from the body.

230. Know that night dreams are dreams distorted and yet have elements of truth in them.

231. Know that death is not the end of life.

232. Know that you transcend death and continue to exist through implantation, cultivation and multiplication of your soul, which you make secure through your influence.

233. You are a fire and all else is fuel that you seek to kindle.

234. You are a magnet and all else is iron that you seek to magnetize.

235. You are a magic stone seeking to convert all into your kind.

236. Thus there is continuity of life - no rebirth.

237. Thus there is multiplication of soul - no transmigration.

238. When you secure the continuity of your life and the multiplication of your soul to the uttermost, you experience salvation.

239. And death fetches blissful profound rest thereafter.

240. Salvation is ultimate fulfillment and well-being.

241. Know that you are my representative at your point. Therefore, if you ever look forward to me for decision, plan or confidence, you betray me.

242. Upon the concept of me, the Dream God, as foundation towers the magnificent edifice that you are, and on you as foundation tower I, the Universe.

243. You are an empire in yourself and a part of the great Cosmic Empire that I am.

244. Deep towards your basement come flesh and blood; deeper come cell and gene. Far deeper comes the foundation organ that is an image of me.

245. Thus I transform your blood and flesh.

246. Upon me come the dream and Goal that transform your blood and flesh.

247. Upon me come the righteousness and enquiry, decisiveness and peace, memory and destiny, that transform your blood and flesh.

248. The dreamer and the brooder vary by blood and flesh.

249. The dreamer's blood is more than red.

250. Thus humans belong to two races by virtue of the texture of body.

251. And thus are dissolved the races distinguished by features of body.

252. Your foundation lies deep within and all over.

253. Deep towards the foundation, upon dream and Goal, forms an organ-responsibility that transforms blood and flesh.

254. From that comes the feeling of real greatness.

255. Thereafter you relish solitude.

256. From that cones your privacy.

257. From that comes your identity.

258. Upon that, deep towards the foundation, forms an organ-confidence that transforms blood and flesh.

259. Upon that, deep towards the foundation, forms an organ-freedom that transforms blood and flesh.

260. Upon that, deep towards the foundation, forms an organ-faith that transforms blood and flesh.

261. Upon that, deep towards the foundation, forms an organ-amity that transforms blood and flesh.

262. From that come communication and mobility.

263. From that comes discrimination.

264. Upon that, deep towards the foundation, forms an organ-altruism that transforms blood and flesh.

265. Thereafter, you begin to note in others similarities and right rather than dissimilarities and wrong, whether real or imaginary.

266. Thereupon, deep towards the foundation, forms an organ-equity that transforms blood and flesh.

267. From that comes equality.

268. Nothing happens to you without your consent.

269. Even death is not without your consent.

270. Betrayal of your own feelings is nothing but your consent to death.

271. Pretence and falsehood are your confirmed consent to death.

272. Henceforth remember: all annihilations are suicides.

273. Consent to death distorts, deteriorates and disintegrates the foundation.

274. When you have deep diseases, they distort, deteriorate and disintegrate the inner organs close to the foundation.

275. When you have surface diseases, they distort, deteriorate and disintegrate the outer organs.

276. These distort and deteriorate your memory.

277. They distort and deteriorate your destiny.

278. Thus consent to death is followed by deep diseases and anguish, surface diseases and angina, misfortunes and annihilation.

279. Unable to tolerate the march of death on life, you commit suicide.

280. But remember: long before that, you have committed suicide deep within yourself.

281. Everything that partakes of consent to death is evil.

282. Consent to death in the guise of self-betrayal, pretence and falsehood is the greatest evil.

283. First in the series of deep diseases that foreshadow misfortune and annihilation is that in which religion as defined by me fades.

284. Next in the series of deep diseases that foreshadow misfortune and annihilation is that in which I, the Dream God, fade.

285. Next in the series of deep diseases that foreshadow misfortune and annihilation are doubt, apathy, guilt, dilemma, anxiety, repentance, fear and superstition, all of which obscure clarity, acumen, enquiry, recklessness, activeness, contentment, courage, zeal, dignity, righteousness, uprightness, memory and destiny.

286. Then comes the next sequence of deep diseases that escalate and hasten surface diseases, disasters and annihilation.

287. These come under the category of the next original wrong, sin or evil, called wickedness.

288. Thus self-betrayal produces pretence and falsehood, and the latter end in wickedness.

289. The first in the line of deep diseases of wickedness that poison blood and flesh is irresponsibility, in which responsibility fades.

290. The next in the line of deep diseases of wickedness that poison blood and flesh is relative greatness or authoritarianism, in which real greatness fades.

291. The next in the line of deep diseases of wickedness that poison blood and flesh is possessiveness, in which generosity and magnanimity fade. The next in the line of deep diseases of wickedness that poison blood and flesh is avarice.

292. The next in the line of deep diseases of wickedness that poison flesh and blood is enmity, in which amity fades.

293. The next in the line of deep diseases of wickedness that poison flesh and blood is prejudice, in which altruism fades.

294. The next in the line of deep diseases of wickedness that poison blood and flesh is inequity, in which equity fades.

295. Thus wickedness is a deeper consent to death and fetches worse surface diseases, greater disasters and faster annihilation.

296. The fountainhead of wickedness is in the guise of authoritarianism and possessiveness.

297. It begets the wickedness of conceit and pride that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

298. It begets the wickedness of overbearing and arrogance that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

299. It begets the wickedness of disobedience and untrustworthiness that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

300. It begets the wickedness of bigotry that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

301. It begets the wickedness of impatience that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

302. It begets the wickedness of irritability and anger that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

303. It begets the wickedness of distrust and misunderstanding that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

304. It begets the wickedness of ingratitude that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

305. It begets the wickedness of insincerity that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

306. It begets the wickedness of hatred that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

307. Thus it begets the wickedness of despotism.

308. Thus it begets the wickedness of rivalry.

309. It begets the wickedness of jealousy that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

310. It begets the wickedness of revenge that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

311. It begets the wickedness of derogation and rumour that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

312. Slavery is another aspect of authoritarianism.

313. It begets the wickedness of flattery that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

314. It begets the wickedness of dishonesty, deceit and treachery that deteriorates the texture of your body and mutilates your soul.

315. Thus authoritarianism begets non-cooperation, escapism, opportunism and drudgery that deteriorate life.

316. Through me, the Dream God, comes the eternal spring, whence you begin to blossom.

317. The clearer I am, the more profound the touch of the eternal spring, and more flowers appear upon you.

318. With your aspiration towards real greatness, you are already flowery.

319. Then blossom within you generosity and magnanimity that make you lovelier than a flower.

320. Then blossom within you solitude, confidence, freedom, faith, amity, altruism and equity, making you lovelier than a flower.

321. Then blossom within you apostlehood of self-awareness, teachership and organization, making you lovelier than a flower.

322. Then blossom within you humility and politeness, making you lovelier than a flower.

323. Then blossoms within you glory, making you lovelier than a flower.

324. And then blossoms within you surrender, making you lovelier than a flower.

325. And then blossoms within you a trait that makes you a freedom-giver.

326. All these flowers blossoming within you are organs so fine that they are known as instincts, traits and qualities.

327. Then blossom within you obedience, discipline and trustworthiness, making you lovelier than a flower.

328. And then blossom within you receptivity and adaptability, making you lovelier than a flower.

329. Remember a dreamer does not have any tradition. He has a culture and acculturation.

330. And then blossom within you patience and tolerance, making you lovelier than a flower.

331. And then blossom within you temperance and quietude, making you lovelier than a flower.

332. And then blossom within you trust and understanding, making you lovelier than a flower.

333. And then blossoms within you gratitude, making you lovelier than a flower.

334. And then blossoms within you reverence, making you lovelier than a flower.

335. And then blossoms within you sincerity, making you lovelier than a flower.

336. And then blossoms within you kindness, making you lovelier than a flower.

337. Then blossoms within you the most important of all: love that makes you lovelier than a flower.

338. Then blossoms within you an instinct to participate, cooperate and help that makes progress as easy as climbing a ladder.

339. Then blossoms within you an instinct to recognize, encourage and appreciate that makes progress as easy as climbing a ladder.

340. And then blossoms within you reverence, making you lovelier than a flower.

341. And then blossoms within you commitment, making you lovelier than a flower.

342. And then blossom within you bravery and adventure, making you lovelier than a flower.

343. And then blossoms within you honesty, making you lovelier than a flower.

344. And then blossoms within you sacrifice, making you lovelier than a flower

345. Beware: authoritarianism and possessiveness stifle magnanimity.

346. Authoritarians and the possessive are the meanest and most wicked, standing on others to be higher.

347. To an authoritarian, suppression and persecution are the first and the last resorts to fall back upon.

348. An authoritarian is very fond of differences that perpetuate suppression and persecution.

349. Only in a wicked society do colour, stature and feature make a difference.

350. Only in a wicked society do food and costume make a difference.

351. Only in a wicked society do occupation and status make a difference.

352. Only in a wicked society does caste prejudice exist.

353. Only in a wicked society does the region of residence make a difference.

354. Only in a wicked society does language make a difference.

355. Only in a wicked society is there a difference between native and alien.

356. Only in a wicked society are there differences of custom, tradition and culture.

357. Only in a wicked society is there difference of creed.

358. Only in a wicked society does academic degree make a difference.

359. Only in a wicked society is there difference of religion.

360. Only in a wicked society does the State make a difference.

361. Only in a wicked society does sex make a difference.

362. If I, the Dream God, remain benighted longer, you enter the realm of the next cardinal wrong, evil or sin.

363. This is perversity, which affects sensitivity and distorts feelings.

364. Thereafter, you see things upside down.

365. Thereafter you mistake black for white and white for black.

366. From perversity comes vulgarity.

367. The chief vulgarity is the notion that the relationship between the sexes could be wrong or bad.

368. Vulgarity begets lewdness and lust.

369. Lewdness is a deep disease that affects your sensuousness.

370. Thereafter you lose the last bit of delicacy and charm. For you, even flesh turns into rock.

371. And the nearest hearts turn into rock.

372. Thereafter, your spouse is only a piece of rock.

373. Your friends are pieces of rocks.

374. And to you are born offspring with rocky hearts.

375. Remember: all the deep diseases are communicable.

376. And they affect the nearest souls first.

377. The deep diseases are inheritable.

378. Unabated, they can flow down far beyond the thousandth generation.

379. The only mode of abatement is turning towards me.

380. For I, the Dream God, proliferate dreams, and dreams proliferate all goodness that make you supple but strong.

381. Otherwise, you are hard but weak.

382. Thus the authoritarians with all their show are hard but weak.

383. The possessive with all their show are hard but weak.

384. Thus the wicked with all their show are hard but weak.

385. Thus the perverse with all their show are hard but weak.

386. But the touch of dream, like a tornado, has in its apparent nothingness all strengths.

387. It is dream that has materialized into everything around you.

388. It is dream that has materialized into all creatures.

389. It is dream that has materialized into humans.

390. It is dream that has materialized into civilizations in the past and at present.

391. It is dream that will materialize into future civilizations.

392. It is dream that has materialized into traits and instincts deep inside you.

393. It is dream that has materialized into habits, customs, traditions and cultures.

394. It is dream that displays itself in works of art or literature.

395. Thus song is a piece of dream sung.

396. It is dream that finds voice in conversation.

397. Thus the din of the world, including all sounds of all birds, all beasts, all trees, all waters, all winds, all clouds, all machines and all humans, has a value depending on the degree of Dream it holds.

398. Materialization of dream has led to our sociality.

399. Thus the State is a dream organization to secure maximum proliferation and materialization of dream.

400. Thus race is a dream organization to secure maximum proliferation and materialization of dream.

40l. Thus community, tribe, society, etc., are all dream organizations to secure maximum proliferation and materialization of dream.

402. Thus family is a dream organization to secure maximum proliferation and materialization of dream.

403. And all relationships are dream relationships that nourish dream in every possible way.

404. Wedlock is a dream lock.

405. And I, the Dream God, ordain only dream marriage.

406. Henceforth remember: marriage is a dream affair between humans of different sexes.

407. Henceforth remember: marriage is the marriage of dreams or the symbiosis of dreams.

408. Marriage is the choice and responsibility of the two dreamers only.

409. Dreamers alone know their dreams, and they alone can identify kindred dreamers.

410. The process by which they identify and come close to kindred dreamers is amour or love.

411. Thus amour and marriage are the most sacred things in the cosmos.

412. Any interference in amour or marriage is an attempt to kill dreams.

413. When one man kills another, he kills but one. When he kills a dream, he kills a multitude.

414. Disrespect for amour and dream marriage is a degree of perversity that will be punished with the severest anguish and angina.

415. Respect for amour and dream marriage is magnanimity that will be blest with flowers.

416. From amour and dream marriage emerge the fitting descendants with marks of gratitude and glory.

417. A grateful and glorious descendant is half your salvation.

418. But if you remain further turned away from me, you will enter the realm of the next cardinal category of sin or evil.

419. This is crime precipitated by wickedness and perversity.

420. Cruelty is the chief syndrome of crime.

421. Crime is the syndrome of deep diseases.

422. Thus crime is the syndrome of an authoritarian and possessive society.

423. Crime is the syndrome of a pretentious society.

424. Crime is the syndrome of an ostentatious society.

425. Crime is the syndrome of an apathetic society.

426. Crime starts with quarrel and bickering.

427. It becomes violence, if unabated.

428. It becomes sabotage and rape, if unabated.

429. It becomes murder and massacre, if unabated.

430. There follow war and apocalypse.

431. Thus you become a criminal of infamy.

432. Yet all disfigurements clear up the moment you turn towards me.

433. Remaining at a point, you can turn from east to west.

434. In the same way, you turn from cruelty to tenderness the moment you turn towards me.

435. In the same way, you turn from violence, bloodshed and war to welfare the moment you turn towards me.

436. The next stage of evil is the surface diseases of anguish and angina.

437. This is the stage of suffering or punishment. It is proportional to the extent and duration of self-betrayal, pretence, falsehood, wickedness, perversity and crime.

438. The outer organs are founded upon the inner organs of your body.

439. Affliction of the inner organs causes affliction of the outer organs.

440. Inner affliction inflicts anguish.

441. Outer affliction inflicts angina.

442. Thus anguish is a prelude to angina.

443. Affliction of the outer organ is the surface disease.

444. Deep disease is a prelude to surface disease.

445. Affliction of the inner organ is either destabilization or degeneration.

446. You are an edifice, and if the foundation bricks are deranged, you collapse.

447. You collapse suddenly and have the surface disease of sheer anguish.

448. When you feel the grip of complexity, know that you are collapsing.

449. When you feel the grip of absurdity, know that you are collapsing.

450. When you feel the grip of disorder, know that you are collapsing.

451. When you feel the grip of uncleanliness and ungainliness, know that you are collapsing.

452. When you are collapsing within yourself, you become ugly and ungainly.

453. To hide that, you resort to jewelry and ostentation, but all in vain.

454. When you are collapsing. you are in the grip of tension.

455. When you are collapsing, your confidence subsides.

456. When you are collapsing, you are in the grip of despair and pessimism.

457. And then for you, midday is darker than midnight.

458. When you are collapsing, you are in bondage in all ways.

459. When you are collapsing, you are in the grip of fatigue.

460. When you are collapsing, you are in the grip of frustration.

461. When you are collapsing, you have amnesia.

462. All these are approaches to madness, suicide or early death.

463. You are an edifice, and if the foundation bricks erode, you collapse.

464. You collapse gradually through surface diseases of pain.

465. Within the deep diseases are born germs and viruses that gnaw your body away.

466. Thus consent to death in the form of self-betrayal proliferates germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing pains.

467. Thus pretence and falsehood proliferate germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing


468. Thus wickedness proliferates germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing pains.

469. Thus authoritarianism and possessiveness proliferate germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing pains.

470. Thus anxiety proliferates germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing pains.

471. Thus perversity proliferates germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing pains.

472. Thus vulgarity and lust proliferate germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing pains.

473. Thus disrespect for amour and dream marriage proliferates germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing pains.

474. Thus crimes proliferate germs and viruses deep within you that gnaw you away, giving gnawing pains.

475. Germs and viruses, diseases and pains, are proportional to the wrongs or sins that cause them.

476. No sin goes unpunished.

477. No goodness goes unrewarded.

478. The next category of evil that comes as punishment is misfortune of loss.

479. It comes to you as addictions and extravagance.

480. It comes to you as scarcity, poverty and starvation.

481. It comes to you as adversities.

482. Harshness of punishment is in proportion to your harshness towards yourself when you ignore or suppress your feelings.

483. Rewards are in proportion to your sincerity in regard to your own feelings.

484. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, all complexities are reduced to simplicity.

485. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, you begin to discover beauty, order, harmony and eternity everywhere and in everything.

486. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, you are rewarded with confidence and elegance.

487. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, you are rewarded with stability and peace.

488. When you are sincere towards yourself, you rewarded with a blithe spirit and freedom.

489. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, you are rewarded with hope, optimism and rejuvenation.

490. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, you are rewarded with abstinence and thrift, wealth and prosperity.

491. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, you are rewarded with sound health, sound sleep, satisfaction and a longer life.

492. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, you are rewarded with beauty that is more than human.

493. When you are sincere towards your own feelings, you are rewarded with worthy descendants who recognize you as a worthy ancestor.

494. And after all when you are sincere towards your own feelings you achieve salvation and conquer death.

495. I am giving you the Truth that will become the foundation of the future civilization.

496. These simple Articles of Truth shall proliferate into a thousand aphorisms and a million parables.

497. These will proliferate into a billion themes that will pervade all art and all literature.

498. And these will become the core of all education and discussion that will influence life.

499. And thus, finally, these simple Articles of Truth shall rule all future eras of mankind.

500. Thus Truth is power, and you, the dreamer, wield this Truth which I, the Dream God, offer to you to make you worthy of this Dream World.

rendered by Punarvasu

Hermes, August 1988
by Raghavan Iyer