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Translations of selected HERMES essays are now available in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese!
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Sri Raghavan Iyer ~

Sri Raghavan Iyer ~
Theosophical Writings

Sri Iyer's HERMES articles elucidate profound themes that every spiritual seeker encounters in their attempts to live a spiritual life. Written between 1975-1989, these essays - the "Lead Articles" - are astonishing in their breadth of comprehension of sacred wisdom. All spiritual aspirants will find them deeply moving in their compassion and guidance for those traveling the ancient Path of Wisdom.

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Great Teachers of Theosophy

Great Teachers of Theosophy

In addition to the shining examples of exemplary spiritual Teachers, history is surprisingly replete with the records of numerous figures who demonstrated their intuitive awareness of the Eternal Doctrine. These Teacher Articles reveal the work of a continuous stream of spiritual brilliance in illustrious thinkers and teachers in history.

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H. P. Blavatsky ~

H. P. Blavatsky ~
Theosophical Writings

Called the greatest occultist of the age, H.P. Blavatsky tirelessly penned hundreds of articles on the Wisdom Religion that were stated in a manner that challenged the thought-forms of the age, are accessible to the sincere spiritual seeker, and speak profoundly to future generations. HPB's articles, written over an entire lifetime, will appeal to a vast variety of spiritual interests.

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Universal Symbols of Humanity

Universal Symbols of Humanity

Symbols abound in great Nature, but their spiritual significance is often hard to discern. These Symbol articles cover natural elements and animals, astrological signs, the gods and goddesses of Eastern and Western mythology, religious and shamanistic systems of thought, giving every reader the chance to discover their many layers of wisdom, truth and inspiration.

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W. Q. Judge ~

W. Q. Judge ~
Theosophical Writings

Co-founder with H.P. Blavatsky of The Theosophical Society in 1875, Mr. Judge wrote extensively on theosophical themes, especially the trials and obstacles confronting all would-be aspirants to the Path of Wisdom. His writings address topics ranging from astrology and ancient civilizations to states after death and the apparent and obscure operations of karma.

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Robert Crosbie ~

Robert Crosbie ~
Theosophical Writings

Crosbie's writings are the embodiment of the gospel of Hope and Responsibility - Theosophy - lit from the lamp of profound spiritual knowledge. His contributions on the Recognition of Law, the operation of Instinct and Intuition, Sleep and Dreams, What Reincarnates, What Survives After Death, and Theosophy in Daily Life, are suffused with devotion to Universal Brotherhood.

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Mahatma Articles

Mahatma Articles

These Mahatma Articles were drawn from the original source of The Mahatma Letters, written between 1880 and 1884 and published in book form in 1923. Ever a resource for deep thought for students of Theosophy, these Articles are founded in a unique perspective on the eternal movement for the spiritual enlightenment of Humanity which threads its way through history.

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Stories and Allegories

Stories and Allegories

Theosophical Stories first appeared in HERMES in April, 1975 with a Tibetan tale, “The Stone Lion,” and continued for 13 years thereafter, concluding with a Hindu tale, “Lord of the Dance.” Drawn from all the world's folk traditions, these stories/allegories are a delightfully unique contribution to theosophical and all spiritual literature.

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Other Authors

Other Authors

A diverse collection of writings spanning Lewis Carroll's "Feeding the Mind" to M. K. Gandhi's "The Ethics of Vow-Taking" to the incomparable selections from the Yoga Vashishta Maharamayana, such as "The Fickle Mind" and "The Ship of Wisdom", all appeared in HERMES during its publication lifetime. The reader will find here a unique collection of spiritual themes and perspectives.

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Theosophy Trust Books

Theosophy Trust Books

Theosophy Trust has published an extensive collection of theosophical works since 2007. These include the original Theosophy writings of Sri Raghavan Iyer as well as The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled by HP Blavatsky. The Gupta Vidya: Vols. I-II-III, Meditation and Self-Study, Theosophical Astrology, The Mysteries of Karma, Mahatma Gandhi and Buddha's Path to Enlightenment, The Bhagavad-Gita, and many others can be found here.

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